Sedona: A Sacred Site
In the 1970s, there were only 700 people living in Sedona. Today, the population remains steady at about 10,000, and that is what it will likely remain as Sedona is surrounded by Forest Service land, where no further building may occur.
Sedona was not even “discovered” until after the Civil War, when the soldiers were sent West to “clear the land” of Native peoples to make way for settlers. But only a few families came to Sedona, joining a couple of mountain men/trappers; and it remained this way for several decades. Sedona really began opening her doors to the world in the later 1980’s with the time of the global Harmonic Convergence, when people went to sacred sites all over the world to activate a new consciousness, a new age that was dawning. In my view, this was the time for Sedona to open her energetic doorways to be used for the upliftment, healing, and enlightenment of people from around the world who come here for the beauty and the vortex experiences.
Sedona became known for her great numbers of ley lines and vortexes; powerful telluric earth energies – streams or meridians of energy running through Mother Earth like those that flow through our physical and energy bodies. It was this energy that had always made this a sacred place on Mother Earth. This was an area where any prayers, intentions, and ceremonies were sent out to the rest of the planet easily and immediately on the energy grids of the planet’s ley lines. For centuries and even millenia, the energies of Sedona were used in conscious and sacred ways for the upliftment of life, and they still are.
It is very powerful to make conscious intentions when you are in Sedona, as they manifest quickly and easily in the higher frequency energy here. It is also very good to make prayers for others and the planet, as they too are amplified and “heard” by the quantum field and create definite effects.
Because there is so much earth energy in Sedona, and so much beauty that inspires; and this earth energy has been connected for so long to the stars, galaxies, and the cosmos: the frequencies or Hertz are high in Sedona: highly vibrating and getting higher all the time as the whole planet continues to ascend in consciousness, vibration, and frequency.
For many years, people have come to Sedona to receive healing, visions, insight, expansion, and enlightenment. Remember to “ask and you shall receive”. This is a gift that becomes very palpable in this sacred place; so do pay attention and allow yourself to receive. You can and will feel it.
It is important to remember that you are also giving to the energy grid through your prayers and intentions for the planet and humanity. It is a mutual, reciprocal relationship. Your “energy signature”: all the love and light that you are, all your highest desires, thoughts, dreams and visions are shared on the energy grid of ley lines amplified by the spiraling vortex energies – expanding out, further and further to bless everything and everyone! This is what we mean by the term “Lightworker”! Exercise your Lightworker abilities while you are in this sacred site, and you will be blessed. This is the tradition of so many Native American ceremonies in the southwest: to bless every life form “downwind” with the prayer sticks, the dances and songs, and the conscious ceremonial rhythms of life.
Sedona healing retreats will help you remember that you are Blessed and you are a Blessing: to all life. Sedona spiritual retreats encourage awareness and allowance of this high frequency energy to move through you while you are in Sedona; for your healing and upliftment, insights and visions. Healing retreats in Sedona will affect others in your life and also the places you live upon your return home. Be Blessed and Be A Blessing! Receive and Give. A-ho! And So It Is! Call or email us soon to set up your Sedona Self-Love Retreat.
Sedona Spiritual Sessions
Sedona Self-Love Retreats offer a plethora of powerful, enlightening spiritual sessions.
Transformation Retreat in Sedona
Embrace your personal spiritual healing journey with a transformative private Sedona Self-Love Retreat.
Magic of Sedona
Experience the magic of Sedona's powerful vortex energy during your private Sedona Self-Love Retreat.
Mantra: Language of Sound
Learn yogic practices to raise your vibration, such as Kundalini mantra meditations.