Enrich your Soul connection – spiritual retreat teachings & modalities

Soul Reading – 1 hour, 1.5 or 2 hours

With the help of an Intuitive, this spiritual retreat session facilitates a deeper attunement to your energy field, providing guidance on your past, present and future. You will be empowered to make better life choices and decisions with this newfound knowledge. Your Practitioner may tap into the Spirit realm, offering insight from your Guides. When we are in touch with our spiritual timeline, we feel more acceptance and peace, fostering greater Self-Love. Tarot, runes, astrology, crystals, and numerology may be invoked during this deep spiritual Self-Love session.

Shamanic Soul Clearing – 1.5 or 2 hours

Activate Divine wisdom to shed psychic soul blockages. Bring any and all questions, sprung forth from your heart, to share with your gifted Shamanic Healer Guide. Unveil and transcend limiting beliefs, karmic patterns, soul lessons, to live in the light all the time. This all-encompassing session may include chakra-balancing, past life issue removal, clearing childhood trauma or health concerns, intention-setting for your future self… Modalities may include ceremony, drums, crystal bowls and gems, interactive soul discussion, cord-cutting, and healing hands-on touch therapy. Ignite your Soul’s wisdom, utmost healing, and empowerment with this powerful spiritual session!

Divine Life Purpose – 1.5 or 2 hours

The Sanskrit word Svadharma means one’s own purpose or Divine life mission. According to Vedic teachings, better to do one’s own purpose poorly than another’s well. Listening to our inner guidance leads us to living our purpose, hopefully with passion and bliss! Sometimes we “lose our way” or get off our Divine life path, which can manifest as dissatisfaction with life, or an inner Soul nudge something else is being asked of us. Find alignment with your Divine life mission – perhaps for the first time ever!

Sedona Spiritual Retreats - Healing Sessions

Sound Vibrational Healing – 1 hour or 1.5 hours

This powerful spiritual healing session fosters physical and emotional healing, as well as spiritual attunement. Using sound instruments, delve deep into your Spirit to uproot and be free of internal dialogue and baggage. The highly-skilled Practitioner will guide you on a healing sound journey to attune and elevate your personal vibration, bringing more positivity to you. Resonate with transformative sound frequencies and be free of all that has ever held you back!

Soulful Inner Journey – 1.5 or 2 hours

Strengthen the spiritual connection with your Soul, or higher self, as you journey inward. Your Practitioner will guide you during this meditative session into the etheric realm. Relaxing into the subconscious one can attain a higher state of consciousness. The result may be a sense of inner knowing, peace and bliss, or expansive awakening. Trust you will get what you need, and are ready for, from this spiritually healing session!

Self-Love Crystal Healing – 1 hour or 1.5 hours

This spiritual healing session will expand your heart, providing deep inner guidance and transmutation of past patterns. Release energetic blockages and fill your heart with gratitude as you open up to receive the wisdom of your plentiful life gifts. Experience the power of crystal gems, sound, and ceremony to remind you of the beauty that you are. If you struggle with self-acceptance or find aspects of your life difficult to embrace or transcend, this session will help you heal and transform negativity into grace.

Soul Retrieval – 1.5 or 2 hours

Traumatic events can leave the soul feeling fragmented or incomplete, often putting up a wall or barrier to our innermost self – the soul. If you feel incomplete, even lost, without something (the right partner, job, house, baby, etc), or are dealing with disappointment/loss, you will benefit from this session. Soul Retrieval works to heal and mend the soul pieces such that you may feel whole once again, no longer seeking outside yourself for answers or fulfillment. Your Practitioner will invoke various methods, which may include ceremony, guided meditation or ritual, to piece your soul back together.

Past Life Journey – 1.5 or 2 hours

Explore an interesting, profound and transformative session delving into your Soul’s journey beyond this lifetime. Regardless of your belief system, there is much evidence of past lives. No matter the truth of it, a journey to a past life experience can release you from emotional pain, help heal physical limitation and make sense of current relationships. Leave problems in the past and bring your best qualities into the present. Opening up to a vaster Soul reality beyond this current life can foster exponential spiritual growth!

Astrology Reading – 1.5 hours

Learn how the constellations affect your natural disposition and life, understand ways in which the stars may be influencing your decisions and choices, as well as challenges and opportunities. This session is about self-awareness through the wisdom of the planets. It can also shed light on relationships past, present and future. We can be more empowered when we know our Astrological foundation and horizon. Please note – will need your exact birth date, time (as close as possible), and location, as well as where you currently reside.

Illuminating Your Gifts – 1.5 hours

This spiritually enlightening session will help you achieve higher states of consciousness and better understand your personal gifts. Spiritual gifts may be passed down from your lineage, including: this lifetime, your parents and ancestors, as well as your own past lives. Your highly-skilled and talented Practitioner will help activate your innate DNA wisdom via karmic lineage healing. This is the ideal session for anyone wanting to harness your personal/intuitive/spiritual abilities. Various modalities may be employed, including: numerology, akashic records, astrology, runes or tarot.

Spiritual Mediumship – 1 hour

This powerful session facilitates spiritual connection with departed loved ones. Your Practitioner interprets messages from souls who have passed, then conveys significant details to you. Since everything is energy, beings no longer in the physical realm use energy to communicate with a Medium. Gain clarity and healing with Spiritual Mediumship!

Sedona Float Spa

Special Offer. Treat Yourself – You deserve it!

Book Retreat with 4+night Self-Love Guest House stay & get FREE Float Spa session. Please mention when booking. Call 928-458-8593 today!