Yoga for Self-Love
This Kundalini yoga meditation, also referred to as the reverse adi shakti kriya, will change you from the inside out. It is said to bring self-consciousness, self-experience, and Self-Love, so you can then love everyone. Yogi Bhajan asks if you can spare seventeen minutes for yourself in twenty-four hours? This practice takes a total of about 20 minutes including opening and closing chants.
First sit in easy pose, comfortable cross-legged position on the floor or a mat. You may use a cushion to support and elevate your hips. Bring your hands into prayer, palms together at your heart center. Chant three times: “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo”.
111 Minutes
Your right palm is held above the crown of your head 6 to 9 inches. Imagine you are blessing yourself. Your left elbow is by your rib cage, and your left hand is by your shoulder, palm facing out and forward like a pledge. In this position, imagine you are blessing the entire Universe. This meditation is a chance for you to hypnotically bless yourself and everyone. This position may begin to hurt after a few minutes if you are angry. It is challenging to focus on self-help if you are angry. If your muscles begin to hurt after 5 minutes, your diet is improper.
Breathe consciously – long, slow and deep. Do your best to build up to a 20-second inhale, hold your inbreath for 20 seconds, then 20-second exhale over time. Imagine a hug kind of feeling as you breath with love and affection for yourself and others. If you are breathing correctly, the taste in your mouth with change.
Your eyes are closed, and gazing downward toward the lunar center, middle point of your chin. Maintain this eye position throughout all three parts of this Kundalini meditation.
Maintain this position and your breathing and eye focus for 11 minutes. Suggest setting a timer ahead. After 11 minutes, inhale deep and extend your arms into position for Part 2.
23 Minutes
Extend both arms straight out parallel to the ground with the palms facing down. Straighten your arms tight, stretch to your maximum, but do not strain yourself. Feel a stretch through your entire shoulders, elbows, and arms. This position will strengthen your heart and open your heart center.
Continue your long, deep breaths and focus upon the middle of your chin, in this position for 3 minutes. Again – feel free to set your timer ahead. Meditate and relax as you hold your arms strong.
After 3 minutes, inhale deeply and raise your arms into position for Part 3.
33 Minutes
Raise your arms straight overhead and stretch. Your palms are flat and face forward, elbows are extended – lengthen and stretch with strength through the arms. Continually hypnotically bless yourself with this strengthening exercise. Any exercise with hard arm postures will strengthen your nerves, and give you the courage to face your life challenges. Hold this position, maintain your long, deep breathing, and downward closed eye gazing toward the middle of your chin, for 3 minutes. Set a timer as needed.
After 3 minutes, inhale deep and stretch stronger, tighten every muscle of your body and hold tight for 15 seconds. Lift your spine, extend upward, feel yourself lift off the floor. Exhale with full cannon breath out. Repeat 3 times. Relax and lower your arms, palms resting upward on knees. Then bring your hands together to prayer position at your heart center and seal the effects of this meditation by chanting one long “Sat Nam”.
Take 20 minutes each day to invest in your Self-Love with this powerful Kundalini practice – become total! Love yourself and all beings. Learn this and other optimum Self-Love tools during your private Sedona Self-Love Retreat. Call 928-458-8593 or message us today and embark upon your nourishing healing journey.
Sedona Spiritual Sessions
Sedona Self-Love Retreats offer a plethora of powerful, enlightening spiritual sessions.
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Embrace your personal spiritual healing journey with a transformative private Sedona Self-Love Retreat.
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Experience the magic of Sedona's powerful vortex energy during your private Sedona Self-Love Retreat.
Mantra: Language of Sound
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