Vedic Astrology Update

Vedic Astrology Update

October is a busy and intense month astrologically, beginning with a solar eclipse on October 2, 2024. Jupiter, planet of expansion, goes retrograde on October 9 until February 2025. The Sun travels through Libra, its sign of debility, starting October 16, 2024. Mars, planet of assertive action begins its transit through the water sign of Cancer, its debilitated sign, on October 20, 2024. Mars will be in the sign of Cancer for an expanded length of time due to going retrograde later in 2024.

At the beginning of the month, we experience a solar eclipse on October 2, 2024 at 11:48 AM PDT at 15 degrees Virgo, in the nakshatra of Hasta. This eclipse occurs within 2 degrees of exalted Mercury in Virgo. With the eclipse in Virgo, issues around health, diet, discrimination, and work/service can be themes. Mercury, planet of communication and travel, is well-placed in its own sign of Virgo, but will be combust the Sun, so it is weakened. And as this eclipse is in Hasta nakshatra, where words, speech, and communication are themes, there is greater emphasis on civil discourse and non-reactive conversations. This is a time to be clear, concise, and discriminating while expressing yourself. The nakshatra of Hasta can also bring concerns of the injustices in the world, possibly challenging powerful opponents. We discover just how powerful words can be. This eclipse period is a good time to work with mantra recitation or positive, uplifting affirmations.

Eclipses are tied to shifts in one’s life, bringing to surface hidden matters to be faced, so we can heal and grow. An eclipse can be an important learning experience, prompting us to take action and make needed changes. Eclipses are great times for introspection, meditation, and prayer, but are not favored for material or worldly pursuits. The effects of eclipses can last for several months.

Jupiter, planet of spirituality and prosperity, turns retrograde at 27 degrees Taurus from October 9, 2024 until February 4, 2025. When Jupiter is retrograde, our abundance is experienced more internally, rather than on a material or outer level. This can be a time we reap the benefits from deep, introspective work and finding our authentic truth. We find that creating peace of mind, being in our heart center, and actively being helpful and of service to those around us is of great value, and needed more than ever in our world.

The Sun moves into Libra, its sign of debility, from October 16 until November 11, 2024. This event occurs every fall. The Sun in Libra desires peace and harmony, but on the challenging side can indicate lack of balance or motivation, indecisiveness, and ego issues. When the Sun travels through Libra we can be more diplomatic but we also need to strengthen our innate inner power, confidence and self-esteem. The Sun also denotes vitality and health, so a time to be proactive with your health. Meditation is a positive remedy.

Mars, planet of action, energy, and assertiveness, begins its extraordinarily long transit through the cardinal water sign of Cancer beginning October 20, 2024 until the evening of January 20, 2025. Mars remains in its debilitated sign of Cancer longer than usual due to going retrograde at 11 degrees Cancer on December 6, 2024. Retrograde Mars finally moves back to the sign of Gemini on January 20, 2025. Mars goes direct on February 23, 2025 in the sign of Gemini, and returns again to its weaker sign of Cancer from April 2, 2025 through June 6, 2025.

Mars, the planet that symbolizes assertive action and vital energy, will have more of a challenge in expressing itself when transiting its debilitated sign of Cancer. A debilitated planet may act differently or contrary to its natural tendency. We can be a bit more passive aggressive or frustrated during this period. Try not to take things so personally. One may need to devote a little extra energy and time to get things done. Do not wait until things get serious before taking action. We may feel more tired and have less energy in general.

As Cancer is a water sign that rules home, family, security and deep emotions, we may feel especially sensitive and vulnerable, and are more defensive concerning these areas in our life. Watch for arguments or disagreements that can escalate at home with family members or on a global scale with our homelands. This is a good time to be more mindful and observant of our feelings and how we interact with others, especially those with different points of view or philosophies. Come from a more neutral place with compassion and kindness, knowing we are all connected. Use the great Mars quality of courage, to heal any emotional or family issues that may surface during this period.

Find ways to balance your emotional body and become more grounded, both positive remedies for Mars in Cancer. Work with Mars in life-affirming modalities like yoga, bodywork or massage, and conflict resolution courses. As Mars rules passion and desire, check to see if your desires are true and authentic for your life. Debilitated planets also teach us about the quality of humility, and to relate well to all beings without pride or excessive ego.

When Mars transits the sign of Cancer, it will aspect Saturn in Aquarius from October 20, 2024 until January 20, 2025, that can produce push/pull energy. Watch for impulsive decisions. We are learning to be mindful and responsible for our actions, with restraint and maturity.

Debra Infante is a practicing Vedic Astrologer and teacher. She began her studies of Vedic astrology in 1995, and was certified by the American College of Vedic Astrology as an approved teacher (Level I) in September 1999. She taught Vedic Astrology to students in yoga teacher trainings at 7 Centers Yoga Arts in Sedona from 2002 to 2020.

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